
The Provinces’ first Special Interest Chapter

Reculvers Royal Arch Chapter No 4123 is to become the first ‘Special Interest’ Chapter in the history of the Province of East Kent and possibly under Supreme Grand Chapter.

Comp Stephen Wyatt, a member of Reculvers Chapter and Provincial Membership Officer (Craft) for the Province and is the driving force behind the Special Interest Chapter said “I was approached by a member of the Chapter to see what could be done to increase membership, there are an increasing number of ‘Special Interest’ Lodges, but there has never been, to my knowledge a Special Interest Chapter’, and it seemed an ideal opportunity to try something different. I started to canvass my idea around the Province and was genuinely surprised at the supportive response and encouragement I was given. The Special Interest is a passion of mine, and one that is shared, it seems with many of the Companions and Brethren of the Province.”

So What is the Special Interest?

Reculvers Chapter will become a Whiskey (Whisky), Wine & Dining (Silver Service) Chapter. Comp Wyatt continued “Many years ago, Reculvers Chapter was a Dining Chapter, which unfortunately over time was lost, however we are bringing this back together with the opportunity to taste some rather excellent Whiskey (Whisky) from the UK and around the World.” As a result of the concept and word getting around, we already have a number of Companions and Brethren looking to join the Chapter and it was not even official yet.

Comp Wyatt has through his passion for good and refined Whiskey become aware of a particular brand of English Whisky and urges Companions and Brethren not to dismiss this out of hand.

The Pioneers of English Whisky for Nearly 20 Years

“The English Distillery make some extraordinary English Whisky and have a particular brand which 100% suited my idea, I contacted the head of sales and development, and he was very keen to support the enterprise, The English Distillery were responsible for the Whisky that Grand Lodge had at the Tercentenary and have a line called Chapter, it was a bit of a no brainer really”.

Following a committee meeting with the membership it was unanimously agreed to progress with the Special Interest Chapter.

The first meeting of the Special Interest Chapter will take place at a Special Meeting on Saturday 6th April 2024 (by dispensation), following the Installation meeting on 21st December.

Existing members of the Chapter and any Brother of Companion who wishes to join, subject to their application being received prior to the December meeting will have the opportunity to purchase their own, personal ‘Snifter’ these will not be available after the December meeting.

Reculvers Chapter meets four times a year on the 1st Thursday in April, 2nd Thursday in June and September and 3rd Thursday in December (Installation).  there are plans to request a dispensation to hold a meeting especially to welcome those new members who have shown an interest to join, this will be a very special meeting.

Should any Companion or Brother wish to know more about the Special Interest Chapter please contact Comp Stephen Wyatt on reculverschapter4123@gmail.com or call him on 07969058951.

More about the Royal Arch can be found on the Royal Arch page, why not finish your Masonic Journey, and take that final step.

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