
Thanet Freemasons continue their great work

picture outside the Clinical Trials Unit QEQM, cheque presentation
A picture of Grace at Step and Learn

“What’s Happening in the Area?”

CTU – Update
How is our donation is being spent?
Brethren/Companions, a precis of the work at the Unit.

The dedicated research facility in the Clinical Trials Unit at the QEQM is being used for two studies at the moment.
Four people have so far been recruited to a commercial study investigating a wound dressing, and they are coming to the unit for their follow-up visits.

The unit is also taking part in the ‘Harmonie Trial’, looking at a potential immunisation for the RSV infection, (Respiratory Syncytial (Sin-sish-uh) Virus. A common respiratory virus that is usually causes mild cold-like symptoms.

Most people recover in a week or two, but RSV can be serious especially for infants and older adults. RSV is the most common cause of Bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia (infection of the lungs). One of the leading causes of hospitalisation in babies under two.

So far three babies have been recruited and will receive either one dose of the drug or no intervention and the results will be compared. The clinical trials unit facility enables all research activities and any necessary monitoring to occur in one place.

Staff can also assist with turning research ideas into actual studies.

(photos and images taken from https://rsvharmoniestudy.com/en-gb). 

 What’s happening within our Group?

Has been nominated as our next Group initiative and is being coordinated by Nigel Mann (Group Chapter Charity Coordinator). Details are with your Lodge or Chapter Charity Stewards who will be asking for your usual support.

This is an interesting and worthwhile project working with local youth organisations and in schools and aimed at pupils from Year 7 (11 years and upwards) . They will be given training in the use of a Defibrillator and other constructive instruction, with the intention of enabling trained, younger members of our communities to become
potential lifesavers.
Do you know how to use a Defibrillator? These youngsters will!

 The Hygiene Bank
Continues to provide support in the form of hygiene and personal cleaning items.
There are collection boxes in the Margate, Ramsgate, and Broadstairs Centres.
Toothpaste, soaps, deodorant, razors, and the like are always welcome along with washing powder and softener. Any item relating to personal hygiene will never be
refused. It does not have to be top of the range.
Food Banks
The Birchington Centre Lodges and Chapter continue in their collection for the Food bank, and the Hygiene Bank. The Centre’s Charity Stewards will be pleased to assist should you wish to donate any items in support.
Clothes Bank
James Ross, (Charity Steward of St Lawrence Lodge Ramsgate) has initiated the collection of clothing and together with the Salvation Army is managing to clothe those less fortunate. James has recently negotiated with a local clothes outlet for items to be include in the distribution.

The good work that is being carried out in this group and area, is soley down to the members of the Masonic Lodges and Chapters, I am sure that we can all agree, that the members must have a degree of pride, and during this very uncertain financial climate members of our community are being supported by our very praiseworthy combined efforts.


Masonic News

One of the popular events that take place between lodges, is called the “Travelling Gavel”. Lodges visit neighbouring Lodges in their area, and if they out number the lodge members, then they take the trophy, until they are challenged themselves. So why do we do it?
It promotes visiting, an excentual part of Freemasonry, more visitors to the lodge means, more money spent in the centre, but most importnatly, more money goes to charity, vai raffles and other fund raising ideas. Also, you meet new people, make new friends and enjoy Freemasonry to the full. 

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If you have a story or item of news, let us know. Contact us at media@eastkentfreemasons.org