
Pilgrims Hospice Bed Appeal

Picture of Richard Dixy, a visiting volunteer standing next to the MCF banner

WBro Steve Read writes:

For many years my wife and I have been donating to the Pilgrims Hospice as we have had 2 close members of our family both unfortunately having  to use their facilities.

We were sent a letter back in February of this year asking to help with the Bed Appeal. In essence the three Hospices at Ashford, Canterbury and Thanet require 12 beds for each unit, these need to be changed about every 7 years at a cost at present of  £4,212.00 per bed, they need to raise £151,635 to by 36 new beds. As you are aware most of the money required comes from private donations.

Some 900 people use these beds every year and bedside controls which patients, their families and the staff can use to help find a comfortable position. They even have a chair function offering greater independence to those unable to leave their bed.

The beds can be lowered down to the floor, reducing the risk of falls for patients, and allow the nurses to work safely.

The Valley of Elham Lodge No.6649 was approached by me as Treasurer of the Lodge, and it was unanimously agreed in open lodge to donate the sum of £4,212 to enable Pilgrims Hospice with purchasing 1 of the beds required.

The Cheque was presented to the Hospice in Ashford on Friday 26th of April 2024.

The photos show, Peter Hagger (on the bed), Rashid Bellini (Lodge Charity Steward) and Steve Read (Treasurer on the right).

One of the masons having a lay on the new bed
Steve get training on how to operate the new bed
Cheque presentation
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