
Passing of Right Worshipful Brother Michael Robin Bailey, Past Provincial Grand Master

Dear Sir and Brother/Companion,

It is with much sadness and a heavy heart that I inform you of the sad passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Right Worshipful Brother Michael Robin Bailey, Past Provincial Grand Master, of the Norman Lodge 3502, Mid Kent Masters Lodge 3173 and Kent Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge 5866 on the 29th July 2023. He was also the Past Grand Superintendent of East Kent being a member of the Norman Chapter 3502 and the East Kent First Principals Chapter 3931. He became a Grand Steward in 2007.

Michael was our Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent between the years of 2004 and 2011 and served in an exemplary manner. He continued to assist the Province after his time in office, was a great supporter of the Provincial choir and Organist for many Lodges, Chapters and side degrees.

I’m sure our collective thoughts are with Sandra at this sad time. Sandra has requested that she not be disturbed at this difficult time.

I will advise you further when the Funeral arrangements are known.

It would be appropriate for the Lodge/Chapter to produce an “In Memoriam” for their next summons. I attach a suggestion for the wording for your information. It is not set in stone as you may have a different design.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

David Graeme

Provincial Grand Secretary/Scribe E

Province of East Kent.

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