“News Snippets”
Around the Province

Some short stories from around our Province.
St George Bahrain Lodge No 7389
On the 15th April 2023 Lodge St George Bahrain 7389, held our 472nd Regular and 67th Installation Meeting which saw our Installing Master WBro Dr. Clive Hallett hand over to Master Elect WBro A Watson, the meeting was also attended by WBro Howard Kevin Griffin, Provincial Senior Grand Warden, as representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master, plus guests from sister lodges. Both the ceremony and festive board were enjoyed by everyone who attended.
Kind Regards
Barry P Louder (LMO)
Trinity Mariners is hosting a Sunday Lunch at the Masonic hall
Snargate Street
Dover on Sunday the 21st of May.
At The Cost of £20 per Adult £10 Per Chid under !0 years
12pm for 1pm sit down the Menu as follows.
Vegetable Soup
Roast Chicken & Stuffing
Roast Potatoes & Parsnips
Sprouts or Cabbage
Carrots & Swede Mix
Pears with IceCream
Cheese & Biscuits
coffee & Mints
There will be a GENERAL Raffle and a SPIRIT Raffle to Raise
funds for Charitable Courses.
CONTACT Jamie or Barney Barnes on 07878314298
And I Thank you in Advance H M Barnes (Barney)
In picture…L to R. Treasurer P Graeme, Master N Drakley, Secretary I. MacKenzie, Past Master P Dee, Roger Blown , Chair RNLI
Freemasonry In the Community.
Presentation at Walmer lifeboat station.
Phil Dee, Immediate Past Master of Cinque Ports Lodge Sandwich, together with the Current Master Neil
Drakley and other officers of the Lodge presents a cheque for £500 to Roger Blown, Chair of RNLI Walmer, as money raised during his year as Master.
The Lodge endeavours to raise over £2000 per year for charitable causes and new members are always welcome, contact secretary1206@btinternet.com for details.
Freemasonry continues to raise funds and make donations throughout the UK.
The 3 Faversham Lodges, the Royal Arch Chapter and the Rose Croix have raised a total of £2,000 to support the Faversham food bank.
This will go to fill the gaps left by public donations of food which do not always give some of the more specialised items that are needed.
The craft and Chapter contributed £850, which was doubled through match funding by the Cornwallis East Kent Freemason’s Charity. The Rose Croix Harmony Jubilee Chapter contributed a further £100, and a private donation from a brother made the sum up to £2,000.
There will be formal presentation at a time to be arranged.
More details about the East Kent Cornwallis Freemasons Charity, can be found on their website.
We need your stories, so please let the comms team know of the the good work your Lodges and Chapters are doing throughout East Kent. Just drop us a line on news@ekprovince.co.uk