Chain Link image

Useful Links

Here you will find links to some of our other Provincial sites, as well as links to sites like, the United Grand Lodge of England, Light Blues Brothers and many more.

United Grand Lodge

Our Headquarters of Freemasonry. 

inside the now Grand Lodge of England Great Queens Street
Just Ask One Logo

Just Ask One

If you are interested in joining this fantastic organisation, head over to our recruitment site, where you will find all the answers you have been wanting to ask, and more importantly, how to apply to join.

Universities Scheme

Tradition and continuity are just two of the values which characterise the relationship between Freemasonry and universities. It was over 200 years ago that the first University Lodge – Apollo University Lodge – was founded at Oxford in 1818

Mobile phone showing register

Your Province Portal YP2

For members of East Kent only, a resource of documents, downloads, and much more. 

The Light Blues Brothers Website

A new and exciting Masonic club for those who have recently joint, or who have not been given Provincial Honours. 

Members of the Light Blues

East Kent Widows Sons

Diary of Events


  • Sunday 2nd April 2023 – Egg Run – Details TBC
  • Sunday 23rd April – Fire Brigade custom bike show – Details to follow.
  • Saturday 10th June – Falklands War SAMA Ride of Respect 2023. Region 9 Kent and Essex. Meet up 10am Royal Engineers Museum ME7 1UR. More details/program to Follow.
  • Saturday 24th June – Hoo Mark – White table Breakfast and ride after, details to follow.
  • Sunday 15th July 2023 – Duke of Kent Charity bike ride.
  • Saturday 9th September “ Masons and Motorcycles “ Paddock Wood Masonic Hall. 
Photo of local station by Doug Priest

Local Links

Some of our Local websites. 


Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons Charity

The Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons Charity commenced its activities on the 12th of February 2014.

The aim of the Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons’ Charity

‘Is to support East Kent communities by providing financial

help and relief for charities, voluntary organisations and

Individuals in need’


Kent Masonic Museum and Library

Free of Charge – Open to All and staffed by our team of volunteers. Located in the heart of Canterbury’s tourist route, close to the Westgate Towers and a five minute stroll from the Cathedral. After a long period of closure – we’re back !! If you are planning to visit us, then please let us know in advance if you can via the [Contact Us] link in our web site at: https://kentmuseumoffreemasonry.org.uk/contact-us/

Your Province Portal

Website for East Kent Freemasons.


East Kent Light Blues Brothers

The group aims to bring new and young Masons from across the region together to broaden their experience, connect with new friends and colleagues, and to enhance the value of being a Freemason. The group will host regular social events throughout the year and is fully supported by the Province of East Kent.

Membership of the East Kent Light Blues Brothers is open to any Mason from the Province of East Kent who has not yet attained Provincial or Grand rank, regardless of age or experience.


Speciality Lodges

Not all Lodges are the same, each Lodge has its own individual quirks. 

Some Lodges have extended this area and formed Speciality Lodges, like those below. 

Spirit of Rugby Lodge

Formed in 2014, a Lodge that has Rugby firmly engraved in its setup. 

Sir Edward Elgar Lodge

If Music is your passion, then here at the Sir Edward Elgar Lodge we have a Lodge for you. 

East Kent Combined Services Lodge

This Lodge brings together members of the Armed Forces and Blue Light responders, forming a lodge of like minded individuals who enjoy the Military and Blue Light way of life.

Royal Marine Lodges

Globe and Laurel in Deal, and Per Mare Pere Terram in Chatham, both have strong links to the Royal Marines and Royal Navy. They are not exclusive and welcome members from any walk of life.

picture of an ashler close up
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