Helping to get local Railway back on the Rails
When a local Railway received an unwelcome visit from some unsavoury characters, who removed a number of articles from the storage yard. Some locked in containers, point rodding, tools, spare parts fro the locomotives and rolling stock. But probably the most important were lengths of narrow-gauge track panels, a narrow-gauge coach underframe and wheels and a complete narrow-gauge locomotive. The members of the trust and local community were devastated.
An estimate for the loss comes to around £14,000, as a Charity like many, they have been hit hard due to Covid and the loss of income. And so, the Downs Lodge in Deal have made a donation towards replacing some of those important items.
The photo is of WBro Ivor Winham from the Downs Lodge and two members of the East Kent Railway Trust. A cheque for £250 was donated.
The Trust are not just a local Railway, the site at Sheperdswell has a cafe, model Railway, Woodland Walk, Historic restored Trenches from the 2nd World War, and is open for local people free of charge six days a week.
Operations are continuing but plans that had been put in place for the future have been put on hold. As you can imagine, everyone is distressed at the loss of equipment, and any help is very much appreciated.