Charity here in East Kent
Kindness and charitable giving are deeply ingrained within the principles of Freemasonry. The organisation provides a support structure that helps members make positive contributions to communities and worthwhile causes through fundraising events or volunteer work.
So what are we doing, here in East Kent?
Charity is one of the cornerstones of Freemasonry. It always has been, and it always will be. As an organisation we donate huge amounts of time, money and practical support to local and national charities.
Here in East Kent, we have our own Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons Charity. It supports local communities by providing financial help and relief for charities, voluntary organisations and individual people in need. Since its establishment in 2014 it has donated over £430,000 to these worthy causes.
The backbone of Charity in East Kent is our members – remarkable individuals who give their time and support to so many others. They work without financial reward and sometimes in the most difficult situations. As Freemasons, we are always taught to give what we can afford, without detriment to ourselves or our families.
£10,000 donated to Bright Shadow by the MCF
In East Kent we are currently in what is called “FESTIVAL” mode ( full details here). Every eleven years or so each region or province embarks on a five-year campaign to raise funds for our national charity, the Masonic Charitable Foundation. The aim of our current Festival, which ends in 2025, is to raise £3.5 million. This rolling programme of regional Festivals has made the MCF into one of the largest grant-making charities in the country.
Although each Festival has an end date, monies are not held back until then: instead, they are passed directly to the MCF as soon as they are received. We call it the “revolving door” principle: what comes in, goes straight out. By this means we achieve a steady and continuous flow of revenue for immediate use.
To find out more, head over to the MCF website at
Useful Forms
Download Forms Associated with the 2025 Festival.
Find out about the MCF, or Masonic Charitable Foundation and the amzing work they do.
Every little helps, and every penny is used now, so please give as much as you can.
Individuals, Lodges, Chapters and Groups are all helping to raise money in their own way. Here are some of the examples of what they are doing.
10 Years ago, Barrie Silman a member of the Stella Maris Lodge No.7279 and Thanet Chapter No.429, underwent an operation on one of his knees (micro fracture) to repair a shattered cartilage. After 8 weeks on crutches he had to learn to walk again, he couldn’t even get to the end of his road.
His surgeon advised him to exercise so that he kept the muscles around the knee strong and avoid an early knee replacement, he also said due to the nature of the injury and surgery that Barrie would never be able to run again as the impact would cause further injury.
in 2019 Barrie, being stronger and fitter, decided to walk an ‘ultra-marathon’ ( 50km/31 miles) in 2020. Barrie is continuing his fundraising and will be undertaking another Ultra Marathon soon.
Hallie and her mum, Rachael, met the members of the lodge at Franklin Road Masonic hall shortly before the start of their meeting. Hallie was an immediate hit with the brethren and was treated to a tour of the building including the lodge room. She tried out all the principal chairs for size and seemed very comfortable taking charge.
After the tour and a drink at the bar, Step and Learn trustee and treasurer, Karen Parsler, presented a sponsorship pack to acting Master, Peter Lacey. Among other things, the pack includes a detailed plan of Hallie’s progress and targets at Step and Learn, so the lodge can see a direct link between their charity and a positive outcome for Hallie.
In late 2022, SSHU was looking for a venue for a Christmas party. East Kent Province’s APGM Trevor Carter stepped forward and offered the facilities at Sittingbourne Masonic Centre free of charge. The whole festive event was then funded by the Lodges, Chapters and other orders that meet at Sittingbourne and beyond.
East Kent Masonic Fishing Charity
The East Kent Masonic Fishing Charity is part of the Masonic Fishing Charity. With its aim to bring an interactive fishing and countryside experience to people with special needs.
Here in the East Kent Branch, we are able to run fishing events at various fisheries and inviting participants from special needs schools and centres and people who have suffered trauma to come and join in.
The Students all have a great time and look forward to spending the day outside. The Charity is always looking for help, so head over to their page under the Sports Tab, to see how you can give a little to help a lot.
In the last 5 years, the Charity has awarded over £100M with more than 30,000 grants. Here in East Kent, 14 grants to Charities, £52,338 in grants to Charities, 169 Individuals and families helped with grants, £504,047 in grants given to individuals and their families. £300,843 to help cover daily living costs and £167,649 to support health, care and wellbeing. £35,555 to support the education of children and young people.
Data correct as of 28th October 2022
The Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons Charity
The Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons’ Charity aims to be the face of Masonic Charity in the community. It seeks to maximize the benefit of the money that it gives to our local communities by not just sending a cheque, but by giving the recipient charity the opportunity of the greatest exposure so that others will recognise the wonderful work which that charity actually does.
Just Ask
Joining a Lodge in East Kent
One of the biggest misconceptions about Freemasonry, and there are many, is that you have to be asked to join. This is totally untrue, all you need to do is, JUST ASK. Click below to get in touch.