On Thursday 4th April 2024, Castle Chapter No. 1436 celebrated its Centenary at the Sandgate Masonic Temple.
The Convocation was opened promptly at 6.15pm and some Chapter business conducted. At approximately 6.30pm there was a report on the door. E. Comp Paul Pavitt, Provincial DC, entered and announced the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent demanded entry. Our MEZ, Gary Gunner made a well judged response to receive him with pleasure!
On this auspicious occasion, the deputation of the 2nd and 3rd Grand Principles, E.Comp Terry McGlone, E.Comp Ian White, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, John Kennet Baker and 18 Active officers all entered and after hearty applause for the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, our Chapter MEZ offered the sceptre which was received and the 2nd and 3rd Principals likewise. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent reminded us why we were there just in case anyone was unaware!
There then followed the reading of the Centenary charter by E.Comp David Graeme, Provincial Scribe E, a brief history by E.Comp Bob Hadlow and then a very interesting oration delivered by E.Comp Ian White, 3rd Grand Principal.
The Chapter Principals then resumed their chairs and the remaining business of the Chapter continued, including the presentation of a Grand Chapter certificate delivered by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, John Kennet Baker, to Companion Paul Ellis.
Shortly after, the Convocation was closed and we retired to the Festive Board where the evening continued in much the same vein – happiness, congratulations and an overall very exciting atmosphere.
The Castle Chapter continues going from strength to strength with a double exaltation followed by a Triple exaltation, scheduled for our next two meetings.
Report by: E.Comp Richard Dixey