
Around the Province

Around the Province


On Saturday 13th May 2023 Lodge St George Bahrain had something to celebrate at our meeting, two great occasions on one night, firstly the presentation to W Bro Barry Macey for achieving 60 years in Craft the presentation was carry out by W Bro Phillip South, DepProvGM, with the ProvDepGDC and escorting team of Active Officers.

Secondly the initiation of Mr Matthew Simon Harrison as our new EA, both the ceremony and festive board were enjoyed by everyone, a truly great night.

group photo of Matthew Harrison the new entrant shaking hands with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Phil South
group photo of Matthew Harrison the new entrant with the recipient of the 60th Certificate along with members of the lodge and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Phil South
Picture of the Deputy Provincial Grand Mater Phil South, presenting the 60th certificate to WBro Barry Macey

The members of Castle Lodge No 1436 celebrated their 150th anniversary on Monday 15th May 23 at the Endgate Masonic Centre. Twenty nine guests, including APGM Mark Bassant and others, some from as far afield as Yorkshire joined the members to hear a presentation of the Lodge history presented by W Bro Peter West. 

Picture of members of Castle lodge

he longest serving member of the Lodge W Bro Richard Parks, generously presented a number of high quality Past Masters jewels he had commissioned at his own personal expense. W Bro Richard was initiated in March 1970, serving as WM in 1979, and then again in 2020 and 2021.

A picture of WBro Richard Parks presenting the Jewels.

The Lodge Charity Steward Bro Eric Cook presented a cheque for £1000 to APGM Mark Bassant as contribution towards the 2025 Festival. The Lodge has already achieved a silver certificate and aims to achieve Gold by the end of 2023.

Picture of The longest serving member of the Lodge W Bro Richard Parks, presenting the jewels to the lodge
A picture of The Lodge Charity Steward Bro Eric Cook presented a cheque for £1000 to APGM Mark Bassant as contribution towards the 2025 Festival. The Lodge has already achieved a silver certificate and aims to achieve Gold by the end of 2023.
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