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What is Archway?

Archway provides a practical ‘Tool Kit’ developed by the SGC Membership Working Party to assist us in addressing the ‘Membership Challenge’ we all face, so that we can secure a vibrant future for every Royal Arch Chapter.

Find out more about Archway on the UGLE website

‘Engaging Members – Growing Chapters’

As the name suggests, the toolkit has been structured
around an ‘Arch’ containing four themed arch stones: –

SHAPE – How do we shape and plan the future of our Chapter?
GROW – How do we grow our Chapter?
INVOLVE – Participation is the essence of a good Chapter
ENJOY – How to understand what each member enjoys about your Chapter and what they want.

Archway user guide

Archway in Action

How members of Reculvers Chapter No. 4123 used the principles of Archway to revive their Chapter.

The Chapter profile was not good so the first step was to identify companions with specific skills that might be able to help. Initially a friend in another Chapter who had membership experience, was invited to join with a view to saving the chapter.
The idea of becoming a special interest chapter was explored. Next, discussions were held with a whiskey company, a wine company, the masonic centre catering company and it was quickly agreed that the Reculvers Chapter No. 4123 should become a whiskey appreciation, fine dining special interest chapter.

The next step was to grow the membership. Enquiries were made to find out whether others might be interested in joining a whiskey and fine dining chapter. The response was positive and the committee supported the idea to move ahead.

Needless to say, some members had reservations such as; drivers cannot drink, some don’t like whiskey, none drinkers and the price.
The team driving the plan quickly overcame these fears. They proposed bottles to take home samples of whiskey and to expand ‘whiskey appreciation’ to include wine and dining.

To enable this, support was gained from sponsors English Whiskey and Laithwaites, both of whom provided products and discounts. Favourable meal costs were negotiated with the caterer. Corkage payments were negotiated with the masonic centre bar management with surplus whiskey and wine going to the bar. Profits made from whiskey and wine sales would be donated to 2025 Festival by the sponsors.

ENJOY – the final Archway theme…
Apart from the obvious enjoyment of the whiskey, food and wine, the chapter now enjoys a great general atmosphere. Attendance increased from 5 to 40 in just 6 months and the membership literally doubled at the launch meeting. Treble and Double Exaltations are now necessary such is the interest!

Read the full story https://eastkentfreemasons.org/reviving-reculvers-chapter/

If you would like help using Archway in your chapter contact Dennis Fordham. 

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