
Annual Royal Arch Convocation

Detling 18th May 2023.

picture of the 1st Principle, Neil Hamilton Johnstone leading the parade as they enter the Provincial Grand Chapter

Annual Royal Arch Convocation

The ability of the Detling showground to host both the Craft and Chapter annual Provincial meetings increases with their experience. The Royal Arch meeting was excellent, the timing went well, the ceremony smooth and the dinner, both in quality and service was so much better than Margate. Although I do miss the seaside, but Detling is central to the Province and parking free and very easy.

The Companions met for a pre meeting drink in the open space of the bar area, before taking their seats for the ceremony. Led by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent the Province Chapter was opened by the Principals with its usual pomp and colour.  With the retirement of the Provincial 2nd Grand Principal and some new roles created by Supreme Grand Chapter (SGC) the Most Excellent Grand Supterintendant) MEGS had the opportunity for a slight reshuffle of the Provincial Executive. Once some minor business was taken care of, the MEGS prepared to install the new Principals.

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendant first praised the outgoing 2nd Principal, Pat King, for his efforts over the last decade as Grand Director of Ceremonies (GDC), Assistant Provincial Grand Principle) APGP and 2nd Principal. Pointing out that although he may be retiring from the Chapter Executive, he still has a huge amount of work to do as Deputy Chairman of the Festival Committee.

officers entering the Royal Arch meeting at Detling

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendant then installed the 3rd Principal Terry McGlone as 2nd Principal and invited and installed the Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ian White to become 3rd Principal. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendant then installed the new members of the executive team, before pointing the rest of the active and new past officer of the provincial Chapter.

Picture of Ian White the new 3rd Grand Principle

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent then delivered an upbeat address to the convocation praising the companions who were retiring from the executive and galvanising the Province behind the new Executive for an exciting and successful year.  The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent’s special award was presented to Chris Boak followed by the presentation of many certificates, both gold and silver, to the Chapters reaching their Festival targets.

Ian can de identified here, wearing the light blue robe.

The convocation closed with singing by the choir, which was exceptional both at the meeting and during dinner. A few more drinks and a lot of chat followed the meeting before we were all called in to dinner. The wine flowed and the meal was very good.

members of the chapter sit for a superb dinner

John Baker, the DGSupt, proposed the toast to the MEGS, in his normal style, with analogies of Roman Philosophers and Horoscopes.

John Baker proposing a toast to the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Neil Hamilton Johnson, which was warmly welcomed by all.

In response the MEGS welcomed our many quests from different Provinces and once again praised members of the outgoing Executive, particularly the outgoing Charity Steward John Gallagher who had served for 5 years though some difficult times.

Simon Jessup, the outgoing Deptuy Grand Scribe Esra, presented flowers to the MEGS for his wife.

This exceptional afternoon and evening were over for another year.

Article by Chris Sanford.

picture of Neil Johnstone replying to the toast given by John Baker, with Paul Pavitt looking on.
picture of the Officers processing into the Royal Arch Convocation
picture of the Officers processing into the Royal Arch Convocation
picture of the Officers processing into the Royal Arch Convocation
picture of the Officers processing into the Royal Arch Convocation
The Convocation about to retire.
The MEGS is accompanied by his officers as he retires from the convocation.
A group photos of the newly appointed officers
Group photo with members of the Province holding their certificates.

Newly Appointed Offices of the Provincial Grand Chapter

To enlarge the image, click on the image to open it is a new window.
The photos below are a slide show of the Officers. Open and click right on each image. 

If you have a news story, please send it to the comms team at: news@ekprovince.co.uk