
“A New Working Tool!”

Union Lodge take Aim


Picture of Richard Dixy, a visiting volunteer standing next to the MCF banner

This is what Freemasonry is all about, having fun

and Great Friends..

Another 5th Wednesday

Before we delve into the antics of Union Lodge and see what they have been up to, for those who do not know what “a lodge of instruction” is, here is a quick explanation.

Lodges meet on average 3 times a month over the year, meeting on average 8 months a year. One of the meetings is of course the ceremony, but one of the other meetings is called “A Lodge of Instruction”, giving members a chance to learn about freemasonry and the ceremonies or plays we take part in.

picture of the lodge members posing for a group photo with their axes in hand

And so to the “Motley Crew.”

Members of the Union Lodge of Instruction demonstrated their Axe-Throwing skills when they visited the local venue in Edgar Road Margate, on Wednesday 31st May.

22 attended the evening made up of 16 Brethren from EA to MM 3 Past Masters and 3potential new members.

After a warm-up session of knocking 6” nails into a block of wood to get hand/brain and eye coordination, the lads were split into 3 throwing areas where competition came to the fore.

Bro. Ashley Parsons was crowned ‘Champion’ of the evening having managed to get the most axes on target and to stay there.

After over an hour of engagement the lads joined each other for a beer and pizza on the premises.

There are 4 months of the year which contain 5 weeks. On this 5th week the L of I meet socially outside of the Lodge, and we have a rest from the learning environment.

We will miss August as it’s holiday time but look forward to November where we hope to learn about ‘Bowls’ and imbibe in a ‘Fish and Chip’ supper, oh, and a beer.

Happy Days!

Pictures show the ‘Warm-up’ some axe-throwing and Champion of the evening Ashley Parsons, and of course the motley crew that made for a very enjoyable evening.

Article by  W.Bro Jim Mason, D.C/Preceptor, Union Lodge No.127


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Stepping up to the mark, ready to throw the axe.
picture of the lodge members practising getting their eye hand co ordination, hitting nails into the wood
All safe for throwing, members wait their turn from a safe distance
Members of the lodge take their turn at throwing the axe, whilst others check the latest news on their phones!

We need your stories, so please let the comms team know of the the good work your Lodges and Chapters are doing throughout East Kent. Just drop us a line on news@ekprovince.co.uk