
Spectacular Fundraising Dinner Dance Raises Funds for 2025 Festival

Picture of Richard Dixy, a visiting volunteer standing next to the MCF banner

Thank you for the Music

Mamma Mia What A Night!

What a night!

No Doubt About It, A Great Night

“If It Wasn’t for the Nights”

The anticipation was palpable as the guests, Ladies Gentleman and Brethren came together to support theĀ 2025 festival at a marvellous 2025 Festival Ball fundraising dinner dance. The event, held at the Leas Cliffe Hall, Folkestone, was a departure from our usual venue in Ashford. Great views across the channel, the event was organized with utmost enthusiasm, aimed to generate essential funds for the Masonic Charitable Foundation, via our 2025 festival appeal, promising a memorable experience for all attendees. With a vibrant ambiance, delectable cuisine, and lively entertainment provided by ABBA Authentic, the evening got off to a great start.Ā 

A picture of friends catching up and getting ready for the ball to begin.
Picture of  Lawrie Bolton, the Pianist entertaining everyone before the ball started and during the meal.

The venue was elegantly decorated, transforming the space into a breathtaking scene. Tables set, and tasteful centerpieces created an atmosphere of elegance and enchantment.
The soft tones of our DC for the evening, WBro Kevin Kemp kept everyone in check, whilst gently guiding us to our seats, Grace was delivered and we all waited in anticipation for the meal. “Anyone know what they ordered?”

With the gentle background music, the views across the English Channel and knives and forks clattering, conversations murmered, the odd laugh rang out at that famililar joke told once again, new friends, old friends joined together as the enjoyable meal was enjoyed. Glasses chinked, “here’s to our table!” came the toast, “Cheers!” came another, and another.


WBro Kevin Kemp, our compare for the evening holding his stewards Fez.
Table 16 enjoying the company of fellow guests, before the meal is served. Just checking the programme to see what was ordered.

The Toasts

Dinner having been severed it was to the toasts for the evening, first, Closing Grace.
Then over to the Provincial Grand Master, Neil Hamilton Johnstone to deliver the toast to The Grand Master, The Duke of Kent,Ā 

Then, the mike was passed to WBro Colin North, the President of the Board of Stewards to give the next toast, to, the Provincial Grand Master. Colin also gave an interesting insight into the work of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, the beneficiary of tonightā€™s event, via our 2025 Festival.

WBro Kevin Kemp delivers Grace
PGM Gives the first toast to the Grand Master, the Duke of Kent
WBro Colin North Delivers his speach and toast to the PGM

“Head Over Heels”

And so to the raffle, with tickets in hand, guests waited in anticipation as the tombola barrel was turned and the first ticket was drawn.

“Yes” came the cry, as WBro Kevin Stones lept to his feet. 25 bottles of wine.

WBro Kevin Stones receives his prize from Vicki

“Super Trooper”

Mr David Salter also wins a selection of 25 fine wines. Presented by Mrs Bassant.

David Salter receives his prize from Mrs Bassant

“Two For the Price of One”

A Taittinger Champagne branded flute gift set won byĀ  Mrs Kay Bearman

Mrs Kay Bearman wins a Taittinger Champagne branded flute gift set. Presented by WBro Peter Le Page

“I’ve Beeen Waiting for You”

The next prize of the evening was a brand new, Samsung 50ā€ Smart 4K Ultra HD TV.

Won by WBro David Pearson

WBro Dave Pearson wins a 50 Samsung TV

Another Town, Another Train” Sorry a Microlight!

Mrs Julie Beavers was the winner of an amazing Microlight flight for 2.Ā 

Microlight flight for 2 won by Mrs Julie Beavers


Mrs Yvonne Stones wins a 3 night self catering accommodation in Cambridge, presented by WBro Peter Rhodes.

Mrs Yvonne Stones wins a 3 night self catering accommodation in Cambridge, presented by WBro Peter Rhodes.


So, during a break in entertainment, the atmosphere could be cut with a knife, who was going to win the all expenses paid trip to EgyptĀ with a cruise down the Nile.

Drum Rollā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

Mr William Bassant, came the cry from our DC….. up popped a jubilant father in the form of our own, WBro Mark Bassant. As William was unable to attend the Ball, the prize was received by his very enthusiastic father. Never seen him move so fast!

WBro Mark Bassant receiving the Grand Draw Prize from Margaret Johnstone and the the PGM, Neil Johnstone

The entertainment continued, dancing like you have never seen it before, the live entertainment was fantastic, ABBA Authentic gave a superb performance.

Friends, Ladies, Gentlemen and Brethren, fully fed, entertained and worn out from the successful evening, started leaving for home, with smiles on their faces, goodbyes said, another successful Ball hosted by the Provincial Stewards was over.Ā 

As it stands, the evening has so far raised over Ā£15,000

Final figures are currently being audited by the festival committee and checked, a fianl figure will be published in due course.

The Provincial Grand Master, the President of the Board of Stewards, 2023, and everyone invovled in making this such a grat evening, thank you all for attending, supporting and contributing to the evening.

See you in 2024!

Write up and photos by WBro Paul Gear ProvGCO

Picture of the band at the function
Picture of attendees dancing to the music of Plastic Orange
Picture of the band at the function
Picture of attendees dancing to the music of Plastic Orange
Picture of the band at the function
Picture of attendees dancing to the music of Plastic Orange
Picture of the band at the function
Picture of attendees dancing to the music of Plastic Orange
Picture of the band at the function
Picture of attendees dancing to the music of Plastic Orange

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